Home Office/Carrier Services as well as Broker Services
Quick Quotes: You provide the pertinent client information, in return you get a range of rate classes client will most likely fall into based on that data. This includes medical information as well as any hazardous avocation or occupation information. Quick quote requests should have NO client specific information in them so please remove client’s name, address, phone number, date of birth, or social security number from your
APS Summaries: Medical records can be sent via email/upload to the Hasit Thanki INC web site for review. Medical records are never printed, only reviewed on-line for privacy reasons. Summaries are then returned to you in the method you desire. Alternatively, medical records may be accessed in your system and notes added directly to the file if that works best for you. Summaries include a list of pertinent diagnoses and a suggested rate class or range of rate classes that the client will likely fall into based on the medical records reviewed subject to your company specifics and underwriting manual you prefer to use.
Informals/Formals/Full Underwriting: Full underwriting, initial review to approval, by either assisting your underwriters with their current caseloads or by carrying a separate pending list in your system. In either case full underwriting necessitates access to your system/programs/applications if the work is to be done remotely. On-sight at your location services is available. Training can be done either at your location or via web/teleconference whichever works best for you. Trial apps can be underwritten likewise.
Full Underwriting and email/phone services: All the services noted in full underwriting (above) as well as email and phone support for agents, brokers, and internal customers.
Audit: The audit of any or all of the above work can be done that works best for you either remotely and or on-sight at your location.
Life Settlement Cases: Life underwriting and risk assessment of the life expectancy estimates for life settlement cases either remotely and or on-sight at your location.
Special Projects: To streamline the process from submission to commission, any special projects can be done either remotely and or on-sight at your location whichever works best for you.